Gardening is one of my favorite hobbies. Quite frankly, it’s more than a hobby, it’s a lifestyle, a legacy that was passed on through my grandmother, Christine Viola Oliphant Gorrell of Reidsville, NC. Like plants, great institutions and students are predisposed to grow and reproduce “fruit”. It’s a blessing to be good stewards to ensure our university and students reap the harvest we seed.

Please join Lonnie’s Ram Garden and let’s grow WSSU, together!

Picking strawberries from the garden


Growing WSSU will take the entire Ram Village. When we say RAMily, it’s a sincere inclusive invitation for our WSSU faculty and staff, alumni, students and families to join the most supportive family of all HBCUs. Lonnie’s Ram Garden is dedicated to creating collaborative internal and external connections to support WSSU and grow our scholarship funds and endowments. Lonnie’s Ram Garden will work to:

Is the catalyst for growing WSSU. The more we consistently give, no matter the amount, the more leverage we give our students & WSSU!

Current & prospective students are missing out on scholarships and opportunities. We must be diligent about sharing internal and external information to support students.

It’s important for students and parents to learn about financial management, debt, saving, and leveraging educational opportunities. Economic development is key to growth.

It takes a Village – an active Ram Village. Staying connected to one another, our institution and our students is how we will all grow together.